Please note this rulebook is the copyrighted original work of West Coast Ranch Horse.
Original version 1.0 effective 7/26/2022, Version 1.1 effective 11/26/2022, Version 1.2 effective 1/1/2023, Version 1.3 effective 1/14/2023, Version 2.0 effective January 1st, 2024
All rules apply to WCRH produced shows. Please not sections addressing rules specific to live or online shows (live show specific examples include: G7, G8, G10A/1B, G12-20, C1-2, and E4-5).
General Rules
G1. AQHA rules apply except where WCRH rules supercede. (***D2-7, G4 and G5 are important distinctions from AQHA rules). Notably for 2024, WCRH will not include the 'natural ranch horse appearance' scoring (-1.5 to +1.5 per run).
G2. All exhibitors and riders on show grounds must sign a liability waiver before unloading horses. If you bring a horse on the grounds, even if you do not show it, you must see the office staff first to pay a grounds fee and sign a waiver prior to unloading. If you do not do this, you will be asked to leave the premises. You may pre-pay and sign a waiver in advance by contacting WCRH staff via phone, email or select the option during your online registration. You will be issued a number so that we can keep track of who has checked in with the office.
G3. All breeds of horses, mules, donkeys and ponies are welcomed to compete.
G4. A rider may ride two handed only with a bosal or ring snaffle on any age horse. Except for riders riding in a bosal or snaffle, only one hand may be used on the reins, and the hand must not be changed. The hand is to be around the reins: index finger only between split reins is permitted. In ranch trail, it is permissible to change hands to work an obstacle. Violation of this rule is an automatic disqualification.
G5. Riders and horses may cross enter into any division for which they qualify. This includes cross entering between walk trot and walk trot lope classes.
G6. Horses may be ridden by multiple riders. The welfare and well being of the horse must always be considered. Excessive participation of a horse will be flagged and the horse will not be able to continue participation in the show.
G7. Warm up will be available for at least 30 minutes in the main arena prior to the start of the show, during breaks and periodically throughout the day as time allows. Please plan accordingly. Depending on the venue, there are typically areas available all day long for warm up.
G8. Park your truck/trailer where directed. Do not park cars in trailer parking area. You may not clean your trailer out in the parking area or you will be subject to a $50 fee.
G9. All horses are shown at the risk of the competitor. Stallions are shown at the exhibitor's own risk and may be shown only by riders 18 years of age and older.
G10. Slide stop rundowns and roping are prohibited in the warm up areas as neither of these activities are included in our ranch horse shows and can be distracting/dangerous to other competitors, unless roping is part of the trail course. If this is the case, roping must only be practiced on the trail course at the roping obstacle.
G11. The WCRH Advisory Board will be facilitated by WCRH Management and will consist of WCRH staff and members representative of divisions offered and membership categories as appointed by WCRH Management. The WCRH Advisory Board will serve to inform and evaluate proposed rules, event schedules, and organizational changes to guide WCRH to best serve its member constituency with balance and fairness.
G12. WCRH shows comply with the CDFA Equine Medication Monitoring Program regulations. Each horse entry must include payment for the current CA drug fee. For more information on the program and prohibited medications and limits, refer to:
G13. All exhibitors and horses must wear numbers as required. For riding classes, one number is pinned on either side of the saddle blanket/pad. For in-hand classes, the exhibitor may pin the number on their back or the front of their jeans (typically on the upper thigh).
G14. All riders and owners must pay in full before leaving each show. An invoice will be sent within one week for any unpaid fees which must be paid prior to the next show. This includes grounds fees, pole fees, late fees, added classes, etc.
G15. Do not run your horse on show grounds in any areas outside of an arena or warm up area.
G16. Dogs must be leashed and must be well-behaved. Ill mannered, loud, intimidating or aggressive dogs will be required to leave the show grounds or event. Dog owners are required to clean up after their pets.
G17. Please only tie your horse to your trailer. Do not tie your horse to wooden fences, trees or anything not designated as a tie rail. Do not tie your horse by its reins.
G18. Tying a horse overnight at WCRH events is not permitted. Please arrange with facility or show management to stall your horse if staying overnight. Depending on the facility and demand, stalls may not always be available.
G19. Please follow basic biosecurity protocols including ensuring your horses' vaccinations are current, distancing horses, not putting hose nozzles inside of buckets and not allowing horses to drink from communal water sources or other peoples unattended buckets.
G20. The hospitality tent is a complimentary amenity consisting of drinks and snacks. The hospitality tent is to be accessed and items consumed by exhibitors only.
O1. You may ride a horse that you do not own.
O2. If an exhibitor rides a horse that they do not own, exhibitors must provide ownership information and owner phone number at entry. Show management reserves the right to contact a horse's owner(s) if questions arise as to Non-Pro/Amateur status and exhibitor's relationship to owner. If a rider is engaged in training a horse or coaching riders (outside of their immediate family) in any capacity, compensated or not, they are ineligible to ride in any Amateur classes (see Division rule D4 below).
Class Schedule
C1. No regular division WCRH classes can be run concurrently. Stakes classes may be run concurrently with the appropriate regular division class. For AQHA Special Events, breed classes will run concurrently with the associated WCRH class (as listed on showbill).
C2. If entry numbers warrant, trail classes will be work at will and will have a separate judge. Conversely, if entry numbers do not support two judges, ranch trail will be reorganized in the classlist to be included with the main arena schedule.
M1. Classes of membership will include General Membership, Youth membership and Online Membership (International Ranch Horse program). General membership is open to individuals 19 & over as of January 1st of the current year. Youth membership is open to those members 18 & under as of January 1st of the current year. Online members may show only in online shows produced through WCRH's International Ranch Horse program. General and youth membership entitles the members to compete in all online and live shows and events.
M2. WCRH membership is required to enter WCRH produced shows or participate in WCRH events. This is a requirement for our insurance as a riding club and there will be no exceptions.
M3. Annual membership is non-refundable and non-transferable.
M4. Membership, or application therefore, may be terminated or rejected by WCRH Management for cause detrimental to the interests of the organization, its programs, policies, objectives and harmonious relationship of its members.
Divisions (Please note updates to Amateur age and cross entry resistrictions.)
D1. The Youth division is open to non-professional riders 18 & under as of January 1st of the current show year. The Short Stirrup division is open to riders 10 & under as of January 1st of the current show year.
D2. The Green Rider division is open to non-professional riders of all ages in their first or second year of showing in ranch horse classes and is a walk trot class. Riders in this class may not have won more than $2500 cumulative earnings in any related western performance class to include reined cow horse, reining, ranch horse, etc.
D3. The Green Horse divisions are open to horses in their first or second year of showing in ranch horse classes and may be offered as a walk trot class and/or walk trot lope class. All riders may show in the Green Horse classes, including Open, Amateur and Youth riders. Green Horses must not have not earned over $10,000 in any related western performance discipline (to include reined cow horse, reining, ranch horse, etc) and must not have won a World or Reserve World Championship in any related western performance class.
D4. Amateurs are non-professional competitors age 19 and over that have not earned over $50,000 in any related western performance discipline (to include reined cow horse, reining, ranch horse, etc) in their lifetime. Amateurs must not have engaged in training or assisting in training horses that do not belong to them in any capacity, judging horseshows, or training/coaching other riders in the last 5 years, regardless of whether they received payment. Training other riders includes coaching other riders, instructing in clinics and/or giving lessons, regardless of remuneration. The only exception to the coaching rule is for immediate family. An Amateur competitor may coach/assist their own children/dependents of which they have legal guardianship and/or their parents. The Amateur rules apply to riders in the Amateur, Amateur Select and Amateur Limited divisions. Earnings are determined through available sources such as Equistat reports, WCRH records, competitor self-reporting and other reliable sources. WCRH does not have the resources to track and police which riders receive remuneration or to carry out related investigations. WCRH reserves the right to classify riders as management deems fair and appropriate. If you have questions as to your or your classification, please contact show management. NOTE: For 2024, Amateur competitors must choose between Amateur and Amateur Select divisions for each horse they are riding per show. A competitor may not show in both divisions on the same horse at the same show.
D5. An Amateur Limited rider is a competitor that has not won more than 5 blue ribbons in ranch performance classes (ranch riding, ranch rail, ranch trail) in addition to qualifying as an Amateur competitor.
D6. An Amateur Select rider is a non-professional competitor that meets the age requirement of being 50 years or older before the start of the show in addition to qualifying as an Amateur competitor. For Amateur Select competitors only, if no earnings within the last 10 years, earning calculations will reset to $0 starting at the last recorded dollar earned. NOTE: For 2024, Amateur competitors must choose between Amateur and Amateur Select divisions for each horse they are riding per show. A competitor may not show in both divisions on the same horse at the same show.
D7. Eligibility based on earnings and/or class wins is to be determined/reassessed at the beginning of each WCRH show series or multiday show. If a rider or horse surpasses earnings or class win limits during a series or multiday show, they are permitted to finish out the series or multiday show in that division.
D8. Timed events such as team roping, barrel racing and ranch sorting are not considered western performance classes and are excluded from earning calculations.
D9. If it is discovered that a rider and/or their horse do not qualify for a division and are determined to be ineligible based on WCRH qualification rules, the rider and/or horse will be disqualified. Riders discovered to be ineligible for a division are to return all winnings and awards won in that division to WCRH. No refunds will be given.
(Note: Earnings limit rules were instituted on 7/30/2022. See AQHA rule SHW220.1 for full definition of "immediate family". )
Equipment & Dress
EQ1. Any working western saddle in serviceable condition will work for ranch horse classes.
EQ2. Chin straps are required and must meet the approval of the judge, must be at least one-half inch in width, and must lie flat against the jaw of the horse.
EQ3. Prohibited equipment includes tiedowns, cavessons, mechanical hackamores, martingales, gag bits, lip chains, solid metal curb straps, headstalls made of metal, side reins, draw reins, belly bands and nosebands. Prohibited equipment may not be used by exhibitors in the show pen or the warm up arena.
EQ4. Dress for ranch horse classes is ranch attire meaning a long sleeve western shirt, belt, jeans, cowboy boots and cowboy hat or helmet. Wild rag, vest and/or chinks or chaps are optional. Jackets and vests are allowed as necessary for comfort. Short sleeved button up shirts may be allowed as management determines necessary for comfort in hot weather. Showing in tank tops and t-shirts is not permitted. Riders with long hair are strongly encouraged to wear their hair back in a ponytail, braid, bun, etc.
EQ5. In all ranch horse classes, fake tails and hoof black are not permitted. You will be disqualified if violation is discovered. Trimming ears and muzzle is discouraged. Clipping bridle path is allowed.
EQ6. Western pleasure style silver and "bling" are discouraged. Bits and tack with silver consistent with traditional cowboy gear is acceptable and encouraged.
EQ7. All riders under 18 are strongly encouraged to wear a helmet for their safety.
EQ8. In leadline classes, the horse must wear a bridle. The halter must be over the bridle for safety.
EQ9. Permitted snaffle bits include the conventional O-ring, egg-butt or D-ring with a ring no larger than 4” in diameter (100 mm). The inside circumference of the ring must be free of rein, curb or headstall attachments which would provide leverage. The mouthpiece should be round, oval or egg-shaped, smooth and unwrapped metal. It may be inlaid, but smooth or latex-wrapped. The bars must be a minimum of 5/16” (8 mm) in diameter, measured one inch (25 mm) in from the cheek with a gradual decrease to center of the snaffle. The mouthpiece may be two or three pieces. A three-piece, connecting ring of 1 1/4” (32 mm) or less in diameter, or a connecting flat bar of 3/8” to 3/4”(10 mm to 20 mm) measured top to bottom, with a maximum length of 2” (50 mm), which lies flat in the horse’s mouth, is acceptable. Optional leather strap attached below the reins on a snaffle bit is acceptable.
EQ10. Leverage bits may have a solid or broken mouthpiece and has shanks, acting with leverage. All curb bits must be free of mechanical device and should be considered a standard western bit. A legal, standard western bit is a 8.5" maximum length shank. Shanks may be fixed or loose. Legal mouthpieces include bars that are round, oval or egg shaped, smooth and unwrapped metal of 5/16” to 3/4” (8 mm to 20 mm) in diameter, measured 1” (25 mm) from the cheek. However, wire on the sway bars (above the bars and attaching to the spade) of a traditional spade bit is acceptable. They may be inlaid, but must be smooth or latex wrapped. Nothing may protrude below the mouthpiece (bar), such as extensions or prongs, including upward prongs on solid mouthpieces. The mouthpiece may be two or three pieces. A three-piece, connecting ring of 1 1/4” (32 mm) or less in diameter, or a connecting flat bar of 3/8” to 3/4” (10mm to 20 mm) measured top to bottom with a maximum length of 2” (50 mm), which lies flat in the horse’s mouth, is acceptable. Linked mouthpieces with minimum 3/8” (10 mm) diameter that is smooth with movable links that are solidly attached to the shanks are permitted. The port must be no higher than 3 1/2” (90 mm) maximum, with rollers and covers acceptable. Broken mouthpieces, halfbreeds and spades are acceptable. Donut and flat polo mouthpieces are not acceptable.
EQ11. A curb bit must be used with a curb strap or curb chain properly attached so as to make contact with horse’s chin. Curb chains cannot be tied to the bit with string or cord.
EQ12. Romal means an extension of braided or round material attached to closed reins. This extension shall be carried in the free hand with at least a 16-inch (40 cm) spacing between the reining hand and the free hand holding the romal. When using romal reins, the rider’s hand shall be around the reins with the wrists kept straight and relaxed, the thumb on top and the fingers closed lightly around the reins. When using a romal, no fingers between the reins are allowed. The free hand may be used to adjust the rider’s length of rein. Excess rein(s) may be straightened or disentangled anytime during the class, provided the rider’s free hand is used to straighten or disentangle remains behind the rein hand. Any attempt to alter tension or length of the reins from bridle to rein hand is to be considered use of two hands and will result in a penalty score of zero or disqualification. (Rules adopted from AQHA Rulebook, SHW305. WESTERN EQUIPMENT, refer to for more information)
Gaits & Fitness to Show
G1. The overall cadence and performance of gaits should have an emphasis on forward, free-flowing, and ground-covering movement. Transitions should be smooth and responsive.
G2. At the discretion of and as determined by the judge, a horse may be penalized or eliminated from a class and/or the remainder of the show if the horse appears lame, dull, lethargic, emaciated, sick or overly tired.
Judging & Scoresheets
J1. The decisions of each judge are final. Content on a scoresheet cannot be "corrected" after the scoresheets are finalized by the judge. Calculation errors discovered more than 5 days after the end of a show for classes for which placings have already been announced cannot be corrected. Competitor show results on signed scoresheets and judge's cards are final.
J2. Calculation errors on scoresheets may be corrected upon auditing by show management (within 5 days). Re-placing the class may be necessary as a result.
J3. Any errors in scoresheet calculations or point tabulations will be dealt with on a case by case basis by show management (in consultation with the main arena judge for each show) with careful consideration given to time of discovery and precedent. It is the policy of WCRH to not "take back" points and awards already given out, but to come to an outcome that is most fair for all involved.
J4. Ties for class placings will be broken by score by a predetermined tie breaker, then second tie breaker and so on. If there is still a tie, a coin flip will occur.
Awards & Points
A1. In order to be eligible to win jackpots and enter stakes classes at the Ranch Horse Rendezvous, exhibitor must be an active member. An active member is a current member that has participated in 3 or more shows and/or clinics in the show year.
A2. WCRH reserves the right to substitute prizes and awards with those of equal value. WCRH reserves the right to add additional awards and/or prizes.
A3. Prizes and awards given during classes are final and may not be traded.
A4. Description of awards and prizes will be included on each multi-day show or series webpage. In some cases, awards are ordered after the conclusion of a show or series. Award timelines will be announced on the each show/series website. Your patience is appreciated.
A5. Points will be awarded in accordance with the WCRH show point schedule.
A6. Ties for high point and division awards will be broken by number of firsts, number of seconds and so on. If there is still a tie, # of shows attended will be the tie breaker. If a tie remains, a coin flip will occur.
A7. Awards not picked up at a live show or event may be shipped at the owners expense and will not ship immediately as show/event cleanup and administrative activities take precedence. Exhibitors are responsible for shipping fees. Payouts may take up to 60 days to mail and require the exhibitor to complete and submit a W9.
A8. Unless otherwise specified in the series or year end award rules, there must be a minimum of an average of 5 riders within a division for a buckle to be offered or at least 10 riders for a saddle to be offered. If less than 5 riders are eligible/nominated, division champions will have the option of an alternate prize or will be given the option tosubsidize a buckle or saddle.
A9. For all Open level divisions (Open, Green Horse WTL and Green Horse WT), division points shall be on the horse. Rider/handler substitution for division awards is allowed only in cases where 2 or more horses are shown by the same rider and for classes which run all exhibitors at once (rail & conformation). For all other divisions, points are on horse/rider combinations only.
Sportsmanship, Behavior, Ethics & Violations
S1. WCRH will not tolerate unsportsmanlike conduct, unruly/inappropriate behavior, bullying and/or inhumane treatment of a horse or other animal (whether intentional or negligent). “Negligence” is the failure to exercise care that a reasonably prudent person would exercise. Those who demonstrate such behaviors will be asked to leave the premises and will be banned from attending future shows. Horses owned by banned individuals or their spouses may not be shown at WCRH, regardless of rider.
S2. Any member or show attendee that is found to be in possession of illegal substances or items will be asked to leave.
S3. All WCRH Management, judges, staff and representatives shall be treated with courtesy, cooperation and respect, and no person shall direct abusive or threatening conduct or language toward them.
S4. The presence of a prohibited medication, drug or substance in a horse participating in a WCRH produced or approved event shall be grounds for WCRH Management to take action if it is determined that the use of said medication, drug or substance was not within the guidelines set forth by the CDFA EMMP. Horses discovered to be in violation will be disqualified and points/awards retracted. Members in violation may be suspended or banned from future WCRH involvement.
S5. WCRH Management reserves the right to refuse entry and participation in any WCRH produced show or event to any individual or group who threatens or compromises the safe, respectful, positive and congenial environment we strive to offer our members.
S6. Rules in this section apply to members, nonmembers, exhibitors, trainers, owners, owner representatives, spectators, family members /friends or the aforementioned and all other persons on the show grounds. Show management may immediately expel individuals exhibiting unsportsmanlike, unethical or inhumane conduct from show grounds or from online shows and social media pages & groups.
Entries & Payment
E1. Entries close 11:59p Pacific time the date published on each show's webpage. Late entries will incur a $5 late fee/class. If not paid at or before the show, all fees must be paid prior to entering the next show or you or you will be denied at check in. Show entry prior to arrival at show grounds is required. Entry on the morning of a show is not guaranteed and is dependent on staff availability. If applicable, please contact WCRH ASAP if not entered to arrange for same day entry.
E2. The scratch and refund policy will be listed on each series or multiday show's webpage. Special events such as clinics, schooling shows, catered meals and performances are always non-refundable. Tickets to special events are always transferable. Refunds are only given in the case of event cancellation.
E2A. Generally, at one day shows, scratches will receive a full refund (minus $5 office fee) before the entry deadline and a 75% refund after the entry deadline. Scratches less than 3 classes prior to the scratched class will not be refunded. At multiday shows, refunds are allowed up until the entry deadline minus a $25 office fee. After the entry deadline, no refunds are given. If everyone were be allowed to scratch at the last moment, we would no longer be able to offer these shows. (Special consideration is given to members experiencing medical or veterinary emergencies. Contact WCRH Management if this applies to you.)
E3. Entries are 100% transferable for each show event. You may scratch or replace the rider and/or horse for your entry prior to the day of the show by submitting the change by calling or texting 951-595-7536. Please include rider name, horse name, class number and name and WCRH member number(s). Please understand that we book venues, hire judges and order prizes/awards based on participation.
E4. For live shows, the case of rescheduling due to weather or natural disaster, registered competitors will have the choice to roll over to the rain date or receive a full refund. For all shows, in the case of cancellation competitors will receive a full refund.
E5. Any outstanding balance for "unchecked" or unpaid fees must be paid prior to showing. If a balance remains, the rider will not be issued a number until the balance is brought current.
E6. There is a $50 fee for a returned check.
E7. Communication/messaging about entries will not be done via social media or personal cell phone numbers. Please use the official WCRH phone number 951-595-7536 and email address
E8. In the event that show credits are granted, they will expire 6 months after issuance. Show credits will expire after 2 uses if events are repeatedly scratched. Show credits have no cash value.
'Best in the West' Year End Awards Program
B1. Update: Inactive for 2024.
B2. Annual WCRH membership for rider is required prior to awards program enrollment (also called nomination) for each calendar year.
B3. Each horse and rider must be nominated annually (including nomination form and payment) in the appropriate division(s) prior to showing in order to earn points.
B4. Only points from classes offered in the appropriate division count for that division's award program. (Example: Points earned in Non-Pro or Amateur Ranch Riding count towards Amateur division point totals, but would not be counted for Open division point totals)
B5. Program year is begins with the first WCRH show of the season and ends with the Rendezvous.
B6. Nominations begin prior to the first show of the year.
B7. You may nominate yourself to ride a horse that you do not own.
B8. The horse owner, if different from rider, does not have to be a WCRH member for the horse to be nominated.
B9. Horses, mules, donkeys, and ponies may participate.
B10. Nominations must be submitted electronically through our website.
B11. No additional fee is required after nomination is submitted to qualify for awards.
B12. Nominated horse and rider combinations must compete in a minimum of 4 WCRH shows to qualify for awards.
B13. To be eligible for "Super Horse", the horse must be ridden in two or more divisions or by two or more riders at three or more shows.
B14. Points become final 30 days after posting. Requests for correction must be made promptly. Please review results after points are posted for each program month (March - October).
B15. See WCRH Rulebook for full listing of division qualifications for Amateur, Green Horse, Youth and Short Stirrup.
B16. WCRH will investigate any report of miscategorization of a horse and/or rider and reserves the right to terminate without refund any nomination where it is proven horse and/or rider do not qualify per WCRH rules.
B17. Horse substitutions are not permitted in Green Rider, Green Horse, Amateur and Open divisions. They are permitted in the Youth and Short Stirrup divisions with proof of sale or vet note.
B18. There must be 25 or more points earned by a rider/horse combination in order for a monthly high point to be awarded.
B19. WCRH management and immediate family members reserve the right to participate as competitors. Points will be entered and verified by a third party.
B20. If less than 10 nominations are submitted for any division, WCRH reserves the right to cancel that division and refund the nomination fees.
B21. WCRH reserves the right to substitute prizes of equal value.
B22. Membership and nomination fees are non-refundable.
WCRH Saddle Race - Update: Inactive for 2024
S1. Nomination is free and occurs automatically when you show at your first WCRH show. Separate nomination is required for horse and rider for the Best in the West Year end program, which has been redesigned to include ONLY WCRH produced shows and will include over 90 awards! Click here to learn more:
S2. You must be a WCRH member in good standing to be eligible.
S3. All WCRH produced live shows in the corresponding calendar year to count (with exception of schooling shows).
S4. All classes within each division to count (including stakes classes).
S5. Must show in two or more regular season shows, plus the Ranch Horse Celebration and the Ranch Horse Rendezvous to be eligible.
S6. Points are accumulated based on a horse and rider combination. The live show point schedule is used for point calculations.
S7. Each member is eligible to win only one saddle.
S8. Classes that count for each division:
Open High Point Saddle: Open & Green Horse (WTL) divisions
Amateur High Point Saddle: Amateur & Amateur Select divisions
Green Rider Hight Point Saddle: Green Rider & Amateur Limited divisions
Youth High Point Saddle: Youth (18&U) & Short Stirrup (10&U)
S9. Saddles will be awarded annually at the WCRH Year End Banquet.
S10. Points will be updated on a monthly basis. For questions, contact
**Rule A9 applies to Series/Show awards, Saddle Race and Best in the West.
Points earned for placings will adhere to the following schedule: From 1st to 10th place, with the last place in the class receiving one point. First place in the class will yield an extra point.
Class of 10 Exhibitors
First: 11 Points (10+1 win point)
Second: 9 Points
Third: 8 Points
Fourth: 7 Points
Fifth: 6 Points
Sixth: 5 Points
Seventh: 4 Points
Eighth: 3 Points
Ninth: 2 Points
Tenth: 1 Points
WCRH has adopted the AQHA rulebook except where WCRH rules supersede (listed above).
West Coast Ranch Horse - 951-595-7536
⭐️⭐️⭐️WCRH is thrilled to bring our members a fantastic weekend of ranch horse learning at the beautiful CRC in Temecula, CA. A full day of clinics with the one and only Bud Lyon Saturday 2/15, followed by our annual Schooling Show Sunday 2/16 with live feedback from honorable AQHA World Show judges and Pro Horsemen Gary Roberts and Murray Griggs. Sign up for Saturday, Sunday or both! RAIN OR SHINE EVENT! Nightly accomodations for you and your horse available through CRC.